September 18th Informal Board Meeting for Election of Officers for 2013-14

Call to order Time: _____4:30___pm call to order

Board Members Present: Betty Chavez, Penny Wakefield, D. Williams, new members Marcia Boyette & William Allen
Approval of board minutes.
.No minutes were read although each board member including the retiring board had received a copy via email. Corrections are to be made and then submitted to the website.
Treasurer’s Report:
Checking $ _1,749.04 _Savings $ _3007.78_ CD accounts:$ _5047.80_ Total:
President: Marcia Boyette
Vice President: David Williams
Treasurer: William Allen
Secretary: Penny Wakefield
Board Member & Club Manager: Betty Chavez

Club Manager Report: Sectional Report
: Betty stated that the Sectional deficit had been reduced to ($334.) with a donation from Bonnie and David Williams.
Questions followed: as to whether the new Sectional application for July 31 - August 3, 2014 had been submitted?
Betty said she would send in application and update the ACBL site with the new officers.
Is there a notebook regarding procedures for a new Tournament director? If not Marcia suggested that we should develop one. Have we secured the Elks for next years Sectional? Betty would call regarding this matter.
Director’s Report: No report
Education: New classes are starting on Saturday & Monday, September 21 & 23
New Business:
Special game for Wednesday, October 2 evening:
Discussion that a poll had been taken on Wednesday afternoon regarding who would play Wednesday evening and everyone voted no except for one person. Decision was to do a ballot vote for the event time and who would play so director would know how many tables would play. Paper ballot will be available at the next couple of games.
Return to the Senior Center: Betty and Penny to meet with Senior Center Director regarding returning to the Center. Also to explore Raven Landing as a possible venue for the bridge club.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: Board meeting scheduled for Wednesday afternoon on October 9.

Please note:
(This date was changed to an informal meeting to discuss what information was obtained from the visits to the Senior Center and Raven Landing. The Board meeting for the general membership was changed to 4:30pm on Wednesday, October 16. This would allow for a two week notice to the members regarding the meeting date. Notice to be emailed and placed on the website.)

Adjournment: 5:30pm
Submitted by:

Dannetta Wakefield, Secretary