Farthest North Bridge Club
Unit 426 ANNUAL Meeting


Annual Meeting September 20, 2009 – Draft to be reviewed at next annual meeting

Called to order by President Shirley Liss @2:30 at the Senior Center

20 members were in attendance

Betty read the minutes of the last meeting. Karen moved and Nancy seconded approval of the minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s report was read by Betty. The club is solvent. The tournament lost $248 due to the increase in the cost of the facility. Patty made a motion to approve the minutes. Ken 2 nd. The motion passed unanimously.

New Bylaws were passed out or mailed to all members in accordance with ACBL rules and the bylaws. The Bylaw change was needed since we are now a corporation and we were required to become incorporated to match ACBL rules. Patty motioned to approve, Karen 2 nd. The motion passed with one in opposition.

Elections resulted in Mike Schmael and Nancy Williams replacing Shirley Liss and Betty Chavez. Patty Meritt was re-elected to her seat.

The club acknowledged the extreme service by both Betty and Shirley with sincere thanks and applause.

Patty motioned we adjourn. Robert F. 2 nd. There was unanimous approval of the motion. The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:15 PM.