Board Meeting Minutes 6/12/09
Convened at 5:30 PM at the Senior Center
Attending: Shirley Liss, Betty Chavez, & Gordon Bower. Penny Wakefield, Sectional flyer maker & EASYBRIDGE instructor, and Gail Ballou, attorney/club member were asked to come in when board members were discussing issues in which they are involved.
Minutes of May 2009 are unavailable as Patty Meritt is out of town.
Treasurer’s report given by Betty was approved. Checking account balance as of 6/8/09 is $5,697 and the CD is approx. $5.552 
Old Business:
Board members met with the Department of Labor and Jeff Johnson in May regarding personnel and tax issues regarding our change to corporate status. The results are: Our manager will be a volunteer with a stipend for doing calling duties and taking money at the games. Further forms will need to be completed regarding tax issues and our manager will receive a tax form 1099 for annual money earned.

*Gail will send in Department of Labor form currently completed.
 Betty commented that all is well for the sectional the end of July. No sodas will be purchased by the club for participant’s purchase during sectional sessions. 
 *Betty will check with the Elks if the bar will be available for sectional players to purchase sodas.
 Penny was asked the status of our sectional flyer.
 *Penny will send a copy to Betty who will make copies to be taken to Anchorage. Anchorage is having their club tournament later in June. 
 Penny commented that EASYBRIDGE is doing fine. Another session will be starting this summer at no cost to the club. Betty told Ivan on Wednesday to allow new players to play free ONE time at our regularly scheduled games.
 New Business:
Gail sent all board members a rough draft of FNBC Corporate Bylaws. All board members agreed they needed to review them before discussion. Gail informed the board that there is no state deadline for these bylaws. Gail was thanked for all her hard work. 
* A board work session re FNBC Corporate Bylaws is scheduled for June 30 at 5:30 pm at the Senior Center. 
 All club members will be sent/given copies of the purposed corporate bylaws for comment after June 30.
 The suggestion from the suggestion box was reviewed. It was regarding the different traveler’s score sheet. We will continue using them and
 *Betty will check to see if it was her error or Baron Barclays re the traveler’s score sheet
 The next board meeting will be in August.
Respectfully Submitted
Betty Chavez
*Attention – work needed