Farthest North Bridge Club Board Meeting 11/14/08 BACK
Called to order 5:20 by Shirley Liss at the Sr. Center.
Review Minutes: Patty asked the minutes be changed to reflect her and Ivan’s comments at the end of the last meeting. The change was added. The changed minutes will reflect that Patty did not agree with the change for Ivan’s compensation change and that Ivan stated he did not agree with it either. Patty motioned and Gordon 2nded to accept them as changed. Unanimous. Minutes were accepted as changed.
Financial report: Shirley is leaving town. Gordon, Ivan, Julie and Betty are signers on the account. Checks have been written by Shirley for monthly bills. Julie and Ivan are not supposed to sign together since they are not board members.
Old Business:
Sr. Center Lease: David contacted the center. They were not prepared to discuss it. . Patty made a motion that FNBC will give a regular monthly donation to the Sr. Center for $30 for each time we use it. David 2. Passed unanimously
Elks club: 7/30-8/2 we have the Elks club for the annual tournament. Shirley gave them a deposit.
Copy of club constitution: It is on the web site. We will get revised copy to reflect the new officers and updated by laws. Penny will make the changes.
Thanksgiving potluck: What are the dates for holiday celebrations? Go for the Thanksgiving celebration. Dave moved and Patty seconded that Penny can buy silverware. Passed Unanimously. Gordon moved for free play. Dave seconded. Unanimous agreement. Penny should get reimbursed for prior expenses of about $11. Patty motioned. Gordon seconded. Unanimous agreement.
Suggestion box: David will have it ready by next Friday.
Incorporating as a non-profit in the State of AK: Shirley passed this around and other Board members signed.
New Business:
09 Games schedule: There are 8 special games
Quarterly games: Tuesday January 13, Wednesday February 4, Friday March 6
ACBL Charity game is March 17. April is charity month - all month is 2.5 times the master points.June 5 & 6 Worldwide bridge contest
June 23-29 is regional in AnchorageSpecial games for second quarter: Tuesday May 19, Wednesday May 20, Friday May 15
North American Pairs will be Tuesday 6/2, Friday June 12, Wed June 17. Consensus on the calendar. Penny will post it on the web site. The second half of the year will be determined as we get closer.
May international fund game is 13th
What to do when a scheduled game is missed? If the game is cancelled the scoring will be for the next game playing. We will try not to miss any other scheduled games.
New law books for the club. Patty motioned and Dave seconded that the club purchase 4 sets of new books. Patty stated that since the directors are there for the club, the club should provide the books. Unanimous agreement, with Shirley and Gordon abstaining, in order to avoid any perceived conflict of interest from their position as directors.
Easy Bridge Penny asked, “Should we advertise Wed game in conjunction with beginning classes for Easy Bridge?” Patty motioned the board authorize an additional $100 for advertising. Dave 2 nd. Unanimous agreement. Penny is also willing to put another little ad in for the Wed. game.
Easy bridge starts January 26.Hand of the Week: Gordon is willing to have a link on the club sit to his site, including the hand of the week. Gordon and Penny will work it out so that the hand of the week is on the web site.
Wage & Hour Laws: Patty reported that Sam at wage and hour says we are able to pay a stipend if we are a non-profit. David checked with Jeff Johnson, who concurs. Another related topic is insurance for the board of directors.
Review the power of the chair – actually it was supposed to be the sharing of information about communication in groups. Patty shared the papers, for each member’s information.
Membership Drive: Will the board make calls to bring in new members? February will be the new members/free play month. It was agreed by consensus that any member who brings a new player into the club games can play free for the one time and that the new member can play free for the month.
There was a discussion of the need for a second key to access the sr. center.
Next meeting 12/12. At the Sr. Center 5:30. Patty will pick up a pizza.
Other Ivan requested that the stipend be reviewed. He has been paid $1 per player for 40 years. Dave moved the stipend be moved back to $1 per player. Patty seconded. Gordon asked for clarification about the April conversation. Ivan stated he was willing to have the $5 playing fee deducted from his stipend. The vote was 3:1 in favor of going back to paying a $1 stipend.
Do we want a Grand National Team game? Must happen in January on a night that is not a normal game night. The winners are eligible to go on, but they usually don’t. Let’s plan it next month.